How to understand French homonyms?


Let’s talk about homonyms!


What are homonyms?

They are words that sound alike but have different meanings. They may or may not be spelled the same way.

In short, Same but different. They are multiple-meaning words.

Let’s see an example:

Let’s have a look at those three words: buy, by and bye.

Same pronunciation, not the same spelling and different meanings as you can notice their using in the following sentences.


Usually, I buy a pound of rice.

Usually, I walk the dog by the river.

Usually, when the meeting is finished, I say bye to everyone.

Here is a question, a French learner should ask: How I can learn the meaning of homonyms?

The main way to learn is through memorizing the words and practicing by using them on a daily basis.

Here are some steps to help you:

  • Create an activity during which you will write various words and underline them
  • The definition of homonyms and their specific aspects.
  • Read the underlined words and explain the different meanings in context.


Would you be able to make a short poem including homonyms?

To end with this post, let’s have a look at these two examples, one French poem written by a famous French poet called Maurice Carême (1899-1978), and a second one built by young students after courses on the topic.